Saturday, March 8, 2008

Great News!

As many of you know, I have been working on my writing career for quite some time now. If I'm just breaking your bubble now, I'm sorry to report that administrative positions in higher education is NOT my sole purpose in life and I have been actively working on my writing career in the field of creative non-fiction, investigative journalism, essay, prose, and poetry. These specific genres are my strengths and I focus specifically on women's issues, feminism, and social justice.

There's a lot of misconception about these issues, particularly feminism, that I have spent many years trying to dismantle. The difficulty lies in explaining this to everyone that asks, "So, what do you do?" Well, just like any other non-traditional kind of job, writing has no specific track. There are no guarantees for success, salary, or benefits. I utilize my other skills and degrees for more secure positions (my job at the Women's Center at Miami University, my Resident Director positon here at Emerson College) that afford flexibility to write my little heart out when I can. Nick has been an extremely supportive partner in this respect, always comforting me when my articles get turned down, when my pitches to magazines are denied, or when my poetry is reviewed with less than an approving eye.

The great news is that I have recently been hired for (part-time) an Editor position with Make/Shift magazine. An independent, non-profit magazine that is dedicated to featuring artists, writers, and activists, Make/Shift is a dream come true for me. Its holistic philosophies and dedication to social justice is a refreshing breath from mainstream magazines and media.

For those who are not familiar with the independent scene, the best analogy I can come up with is mainstream vs. independant films. While Blockbusters may roll in the millions with the likes of Will Smith, Renee Zellweger, or couch jumping freak Tom Cruise, indie films are more known for their deep, artistic, and lower budget styles. Indie films are intentionally different because their values are not in money making or operating under a growth model (i.e. production, "bigger is better" mentality).

The same is true for literature and magazines. Make/Shift is not trying to be a Time or National Geographic magazine. It's based in Los Angeles and their editors are free to live whereever they please as long as they have working computers and internet access. My Editor position is dedicated to keeping my ear to the ground and report the latest and greatest news concerning the issues encompassed in feminism: politics, sexuality, art, conferences, publications, the environment, music, and international news concerning women's rights.

If this entire post has left you wondering, still, what in the hell I am doing, no worries. Just know that I just accepted an incredible position that makes me outrageously excited. Check out its website:

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