Friday, May 9, 2008

Springing Forward

There is something tragic about Spring that I cannot put into words.

The lush green trees, the sweet clean air, and the sound of baseball meeting a bat. Spring time.

I sit here with red eyes, a scratchy throat, and compressed lungs that wheeze when outside for more than 5 minutes. I hate my allergies. Egh.

Other than the arrival of beautiful Spring while Boston is rated the third WORST CITY IN THE US for allergies, other things have been going on.

Last weekend, Nick's parents came into town and it was a lovely break to have some family around us in our home. If you haven't already, please ask Ron and Nick about their first lobster experience. Two words: DIS-ASTER. I don't know if Nick is allowed back in Maine after the mess he created on the table. I wasn't there, but I heard the stories. My reaction when he told me he ordered a lobster, "You don't like seafood, so I don't follow why you even tried it in the first place." His reply, "I live on the edge! That's how I roll."

He's been saying that a lot lately and it is getting old.

This past Monday, Andy Wendelon was in town and since I was trapped in the third ring of hell (work), Nick went out to dinner and showed him a fine bar of Boston. Tomorrow, my bud Jennifer Buckley will be visiting from NYC along with a potential Memorial Day visit from my oldest brother Victor who lives out in Los Angeles. They've got the right idea folks -- if you want to see Boston, get here sooner rather than later cuz we're outta here pretty soon.

So other than lobster feasts and family/friends visits, we have been running around like mad with school letting out, moving, house hunting, job hunting (me), and my impending trip to the Philippines. My scheduled departure date is June 23rd.

That's a quick update from the east coast. Hopefully, I will have more to share as our final weeks in Boston begin to dwindle.

To spring! Cheers!

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