Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Yes List

January is always a month geared toward self-improvement and in the tradition of setting goals, I decided that I am going to make a YES list. Specific things that I can and will do to make the planet a better place and to simplify our busy lives so we can spend time on the things that truly matter to us. Instead of calling it a TO DO list, I have renamed it The Yes List.

- have Nick post something on our blog once every two months
- load the dishwasher immediately
- send at least a bag of clothes to the Salvation Army every six months
- attend a funeral for whom there will be an expected low attendance
- pray more often
- run more often
- balance out my intake of Propel water with regular tap water
- turn off the porch light each night
- send more handwritten letters
- RSVP to events
- return feedback surveys
- finish our wedding album, give prints to parents & grandparents before 5th anniversary
- write more, blog less
- stop being so hard on the wrong people
- ask the right people to be more accountable
- curb Panera Bread visits
- smile at strangers when I walk in public even if I look psycho
- use what I have, limit what I want, pray for what I need

1 comment:

Elle Charlie said...

I am with you on still needing to finish wedding albums. Ack.

Pray more is a good one. I have vowed this year to get my faith in order.