Friday, July 3, 2009

Wrap Yourself in a July Scarf

Last night I was listening to my iTunes collection and a Christmas song came on. It didn't even feel odd because I was wrapped up in pants and a sweater and still slightly cool. The weather had dipped into the 50s and I could hear the BOOM from downtown from the fireworks.

Yes, that's right. It was in the 50s and the fireworks were going off downtown.

The past 4 days I have woken up to chilly, rainy mornings which makes me think more and more of my due date. It's as if I feel I'm 6 months along because it's October and January is right around the corner. But, no, it's July and this weather is just unbelievable.

I actually don't mind it as much because the cooler weather feels nice and it's a lovely break from the humidity beating down on the city last week.

Break out the brass band - Nick is coming home this afternoon!

(I yell) Hip! Hip!
(you yell)_______
(hint: Hooray!)

One text and postcard later, here I am, Nick's pregnant partner eagerly eating raw vegetables and blueberries, waiting for his return. It's so wonderful to have little reunions in life, don't you think? These brief (although it sure didn't feel so brief this week) separations just make us cherish our beloved ones all the more when they come home.

I seriously feel like baking something in celebration.

Ah-hem -- I don't bake.

That's how joyous I feel.

And so, with this holiday weekend, I must bid you all a wonderful and happy 4th of July. Enjoy the empty calories of all the bbq food you will have and safe travels from place to place. I must send a grateful note to my wonderful sister, Carmen, who stayed with me nearly every night this week because I'm such a chicken to sleep in this huge echoing house by myself and am tortured by thoughts of a break-in.

I hope your summers bring you so much joy you feel like fireworks are going off inside you.

That's kind of how our growing baby feels inside me these days.

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