Thursday, January 7, 2010

Some Updates

Some bullet updates:

Saturday, January 2: Umbilical cord fell out while Nick was changing Isaiah! Hooray! Sponge baths are over. Hello glorious baths.

Sunday, January 3: St. Dominic's Sunday mass bulletin announced Isaiah's birth to the whole congregation.

Monday, January 4: Isaiah's 2 week doctor appointment went great. He was described as "mellow," with "great skin and color" and overall "looking fantastic!"

Tuesday, January 5: We solidified Isaiah's baptism date - Sunday, January 24! Bring on the Holy Spirit!

Wednesday, January 6: Um, ok - hard lesson. Isaiah doesn't like peanut butter, anything too greasy, or pizza. He fusses and gets a little skin irritation. Bad mom. Back to bland foods...
No more Wendy's...

Thursday, January 7: His first bath. Oh, you should have seen me and Nick climbing in and out of the tub, nervous as hell and as clumsy as a first graders. Also - first visitors tonight to watch the Alabama/Texas Nat'l Championship game. Uncle Brian and Christina are coming over. Thank goodness! My social exposure is just as bad as my sleep deprivation.

Also, I finally drove today for the first time in two and a half weeks! Ah, the open road! The FM pop music! Target! The grocery store! Strangers who don't know I just had a baby! No pregger belly that everyone tries to pat or stare at! It was invigorating!

1 comment:

Vanessa Lombardo said...

Isn't it amazing that the most mundane trips that previous to the birth of your baby you considered "running an errand" are suddenly transformed into the most exciting and highly anticipated outing? Welcome to a new level of simple pleasures ;) Glad to hear that things are going so well.