Monday, May 17, 2010

Quick Update

If you think that we've been too busy for blogging, your thinking is correct.

Here's some updates on your favorite Cleveland family...

I've won the last 2 weigh-ins, up until this past Sunday when Nick swiftly kicked my butt.
Don't be excited. Some wins are just about holding steady while the other gains a pound or has a monstrous Saturday night meal and has a bad Sunday morning weigh-in. But, hey, a win's a win.

Nick and I signed up to run a 5k on June 5th. That's right. The day after our wedding anniversary, the day after we find out who wins the first leg of the competition.

Isaiah started solids! This past Thursday he had his first taste of a banana! This morning he had his first taste of rice cereal. He treats the spoon like a pacifier, but he's getting the hang of it. His neck and head stability are improving weekly and his eczema is under control (for the most part).

I am on a no dairy, no egg diet. This means I am a vegan who eats meat. (I love that oxymoron.) This has been established by Isaiah's allergist who found that he is most certainly allergic to eggs and milk and dairy. We'll see how this goes. Doc said it's likely that Isaiah will outgrow it. I hope so.

Have I ever mentioned that milk is my all-time favorite drink? Or how every morning I made myself a delicious veggie omelette?

Somehow it got to be the middle of May and I gasped at the calendar when I saw that on Wednesday, my favorite Gerber head is going to be FIVE MONTHS OLD!

And that concludes this brief update.

1 comment:

ShellyBeach said...

I'm excited for you guys' 5k. If they didn't start so early in the AM, I'd come join you :)